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Depression Crosswords: Power of Puzzles for Mental Wellness

Explore About Depression Crosswords

depression crossword

Depression crosswords…?? Crosswords have long been a favorite pastime for exercising the mind. But did you know there’s a specific type of crossword that can also be a tool for understanding and potentially alleviating depression? Buckle up, because we’re diving into the world of depression crosswords! Depression crosswords are specialized crossword puzzles that focuses on themes related to depression. 

Types of Depression Crosswords

depression crossword

Themed Depression Crosswords

These puzzles are specifically designed to raise awareness and understanding of depression. They focus on clues related to:

Symptoms: Clues might describe common signs of depression, like “LOSS OF INTEREST” or “FEELING WORTHLESS.”

Causes: Themed puzzles might touch on potential causes of depression, such as “STRESS” or “LIFE CHANGES.”

Treatments: Clues could point towards healthy coping mechanisms or professional help, with answers like “EXERCISE” or “THERAPY.”

By encountering these terms in a puzzle format, people can gain a better understanding of depression and potentially reduce the stigma surrounding it.  Themed puzzles might also provide a  distraction from negative thoughts through the calming and focus-enhancing nature of crosswords.

Clue-Based Depression Crosswords

These are regular crosswords where “depression” itself appears as a clue, but the answer isn’t necessarily related to mental health. The answer depends on the intended meaning within the context of the puzzle. Here are some possibilities:

Emotional State: Words that capture a similar feeling to depression, like “SADNESS,” “DESPAIR,” or “GLOOM” could be the answer.

Geographical Feature: “DEPRESSION” could refer to a low-lying area on the earth’s surface, with answers like “DELL,” “VALLEY,” or even “BASIN” depending on the specific location.

Historical Period: If the crossword focuses on historical events, “DEPRESSION” might be a clue for a period of economic hardship, like the “GREAT DEPRESSION.”

This type of crossword doesn’t directly address mental health, but it highlights the versatility of the word “depression” and the importance of considering context when solving clues.

Feeling of Depression Crosswords Clue

depression crossword

It can appear in two ways, depending on the type of crossword:

  • Themed Depression Crosswords are the most likely scenario for a clue directly related to the emotional state of depression. Here’s how it works:

Clue Construction: The clue will describe a feeling or symptom associated with depression.

Example: “Feeling of worthlessness (Down, 5 letters)”

Answer: GUILT (or SHAME, depending on the nuance)

Themed depression crosswords use such clues to raise awareness about the various aspects of depression.

  • General Crossword (less likely): while less common, it’s also possible to see a “feeling of depression” clue in a general crossword puzzle. However, the answer wouldn’t directly address mental health. Here’s why:

Focus on Synonyms: The clue might target a synonym for a feeling associated with depression.

Example: “Feeling of depression (Across, 6 letters)”

Answer: GLOOM (or DESPAIR, depending on the intended shade of meaning)

In this case, the clue uses “depression” not in the mental health context, but to convey a general sense of low mood.

So Themed depression crosswords are more likely to have clues directly related to the feeling of depression. But in a general crossword, “feeling of depression” might be a clue for a synonym that captures a similar emotional state. 

How Does Depressed Crosswords Affect Behavior?

depression crosswords

Social Interaction

Solving a crossword can be a solitary activity, but it can also be done in a social setting. For some, working on a puzzle with others can provide a sense of camaraderie and connection, which can be uplifting for those experiencing depression.


If someone is unable to solve the crossword or is struggling with it, they might become frustrated. This frustration can lead to irritability or a sense of defeat.


On the flip side, some individuals might become more determined to solve the puzzle, exhibiting persistence and resilience in the face of challenges. This can be a positive behavioral outcome, encouraging problem-solving skills and perseverance.


Individuals who are already feeling down or depressed might withdraw further into themselves when faced with a challenging puzzle. They may find it difficult to engage with the task or lose interest quickly.

Cognitive Stimulation

 Engaging in activities that require cognitive effort, such as solving puzzles, can have positive effects on mood by stimulating the brain and providing a sense of accomplishment when completing tasks.

Wrapping Up

Depression crosswords come in two flavors: themed puzzles focusing on symptoms, causes, and treatments to raise awareness, and regular puzzles where “depression” itself is a clue with answers like “sadness” or “valley.” While solving might not dramatically change behavior, themed puzzles can be a tool for understanding depression and regular puzzles can add a layer of interesting context.

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