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Spot the 14 Common Signs Of Depression In Young Adults

Common Signs of Depression in Young Adults

common signs of depression in young adults

Though depression is a widespread medical illness, it’s no less serious. It significantly impacts how you feel, think, and behave. The good news is that common signs of depression in young adults are treatable. While occasional sadness is a normal part of life, depression is distinct. It persists for a longer period of time and disrupts your daily functioning. Following is a list of signs of depression in young adults.

Emotional Symptoms

Depression in young adults will cause them to feel sad or empty most of the day, nearly every day. There will be feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness. Excessive crying or difficulty crying at all. He will face irresistibility, anger, or frustration, even over small matters. Loss of interest or pleasure in most or all normal activities, such as hobbies, sex, or sports. He will have very dangerous thoughts of death or suicide.

Physical Symptoms

Physical symptoms are one of the most common signs of depression in young adults. There will be a change in appetite or weight (weight loss or gain unrelated to dieting). Difficulty in sleeping (insomnia) or sleeping too much (hypersomnia), Loss of energy, increased fatigue, restlessness, or feeling slowed down. Loss of libido (reduced sex drive) and unexplained aches and pains or headaches. Difficulty concentrating, remembering things, or making decisions.

Behavioral Symptoms

In behavioral symptoms, young adults with depression face withdrawal from social activities, refusing to go to work or school, neglecting personal hygiene or appearance, increased use of alcohol or drugs, taking risks or engaging in reckless behavior.

Symptoms of Depression in Young Adults

common signs of depression in young adults

Changes in Appetite (Not Just Weight)

While weight loss or gain is a common symptom, depression can also manifest as unusual cravings for unhealthy foods or, conversely, a complete loss of appetite despite hunger pangs.

Social Isolation and Sensitivity 

Young adults with depression may not just withdraw socially, but become hypersensitive to rejection, even perceived slights. This can lead to further isolation.

Increased Dependence or Neediness

Increased dependence or neediness are common signs of depression in young adults. Adults with depression may become unusually reliant on friends or family for constant support or reassurance. 

Anger Outbursts

While irritability is a common symptom, some people with depression may experience intense anger outbursts, even over minor things.

Emotionally Blunted

The opposite of sadness can also be a sign.  People with depression may feel emotionally numb or disconnected, unable to experience joy or excitement.

Indication of Depression in Young Adults

common signs of depression in young adults

Poor Decision Maker

Even minor choices can feel overwhelming for someone struggling with depression. They may experience indecisiveness or analytical paralysis.

Changes in Speech or Movement

Slowed speech, monotone voice, or a shuffling gait can sometimes be indicators of depression’s effect on mood and energy levels.

Increased Risk-Taking  

These common signs of depression in young adults may lead them to engage in reckless or impulsive behaviors as a way to escape their negative feelings.

Self-Neglect Beyond Hygiene

While neglecting personal hygiene is a sign, some may also abandon hobbies, self-care routines, or important responsibilities.

Disturbance in Sleep Patterns

While insomnia and hypersomnia are common depression symptoms, there are other sleep disruptions to look for.  These include restless sleep, waking up frequently during the night, or early morning waking even after a full night’s sleep.

Loss of Interest in Previously Enjoyed Activities

This can be subtle. Someone who used to love reading for hours might struggle to focus on a book for even a short period of time. It’s important to note that occasional disinterest doesn’t necessarily indicate depression, but a persistent lack of enjoyment in things that used to bring pleasure can be a sign.

These are all common signs of depression in young adults, which make their lives worse and make them hopeless with no mission or goals.

How Does Depressive Disorder Affect the Behavior and Mood of Young Adults?

Depressive Disorder leads to sadness, irritability, and a disinterest in once-enjoyed activities, depression wreaks havoc on the emotional well-being and daily lives of young adults. Social withdrawal, sleep disruptions, and neglected responsibilities become commonplace, while some young adults may resort to reckless behavior or experience difficulty concentrating. 

What is Seasonal Depression?

Seasonal depression is also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). It is a type of depression triggered by changes in seasons. Affecting mood and behavior, especially in fall or winter with shorter days and less sunlight, leading to symptoms like fatigue, low mood, and social withdrawal. Thankfully, it often resolves in spring and summer with increased sunlight.

Should Young Adults Avoid Driving in Severe Depression?

common signs of depression in young adults

Yes, young adults with severe depression should strongly consider avoiding driving. Depression can impair judgment, concentration, and reaction time, all crucial for safe driving. It can also increase fatigue and risky behaviors, making accidents more likely. If driving is essential, consulting a doctor is crucial to assess fitness and potentially adjust medication to minimize driving risks.

Wrapping Up

Recognizing the common signs of depression in young adults is crucial. From emotional symptoms like sadness and hopelessness to changes in sleep patterns and social withdrawal, depression significantly impacts their daily lives.  Fortunately, with help from professionals and support systems, young adults can overcome depression and return to enjoying life. Don’t hesitate to reach out for resources if you see these signs in yourself or someone you know.

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